Carrer del Vall, 21 08221 - Terrassa

Atenció al públic de 8:00 a 18:30

93 780 29 33


Sabeu que és el
comerç just ? Sabeu per a què serveix ?

El comerç just engloba
un grup d´empreses amb l´objectiu de fer un repartiment més just dels beneficis
sorgits de la venda dels seus productes. La idea és reduir  intermediaris, de manera que les condicions
dels agents implicats en la producció esdevingui més digne.

La nostra
escola porta més de deu anys implicada en un projecte de comerç just. Es  venen
aliments i productes escolars, a preus justos, cada dijous a la hora del pati a
la “paradeta” que porten un grup d´alumnes de l´ESO, i un cop a l´any
es fa una campanya que consisteix en la venda de productes alimentaris a tota l´escola.

El Liam Hargraves, ja fa uns anys que n´és el responsable
i per aquest motiu li fem aquesta entrevista.


Hola Liam,  com
vas començar amb el comerç just?

Why do you do
Fair Trade (Comerç Just)?

I collaborate in the fair
trade project because I believe it is very important to promote fair trade
products and I think the school is the perfect place to teach people of its
importance in the world.


Quin és l´objectiu? com et sents en realitzar aquesta

How do you
feel when you help?

I feel happy when I see people
choosing to buy products that are fair trade.


D´on provenen els productes?

Where do the
products come from?

We buy the products from two
companies called Alternativa3 and sometimes from Intermón Oxfam. They are the
best providers for fair trade products in Terrassa. The origins of the fair
trade products are the same as your typical products you can find in the
supermarket however the big difference is that we know for sure with fair trade
products that the workers and farmers of the products have been treated and
paid fairly and that no exploitation was involved in making the products. It is


Quants anys porteu fent começ
just a l´escola?

How long have
you been helping the fair trade shop?

This is my third year.


T´agrada ajudar les persones o només t´hi vas posar
com a hobby?

Do you like
helping the people or is this only a hobby for you?

It´s vitally important that we
all collaborate to make the world a better place.




Com està anant la recaptació aquest any?

How is the
shop going this course?

We are very happy with the
progress this year but like always we always need new customers and more


Cambiaries alguna cosa  del comerç just?

Would you
change anything about the shop? The helpers, products etc?

We are very happy with how the
shop is going. The products we choose are the ones that we think are best to
sell in a school.


Creus que això ho podríem portar més ella de l´escola

Do you think
we can take this further than just selling products at the school?

We are always thinking of new
ideas to better the shop but you have to remember my job is as an English
teacher and I don´t have all the time in the world. The more volunteers we have
the more ways we can expand the project.


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